Keys and Reeds Music Studio opened its doors January 1979. In April 2020 it went from a part time endeavor to a very full time studio. It's a joy to work with a variety of students of all ages, abilities, learning styles and interests. Mine is not a one style fits all teaching approach. We sit together in an initial interview to come up with a path to follow and, as we go, we often find a need to divert from the path. I love what I do and I treasure the relationships I'm fortunate enough to have with students and families.
If you are interested or just have questions, please reach out through this website or directly at
Accepting Ages 5 - 100
Contact for more information.
Joy and Happiness
Look at that piano!
Stacie celebrated her transition from retirement to full time music with a beautiful new piano! She donated her old piano to a Minneapolis family with three children.